I am sitting in the bus while the rest of the family is happily snoring away. Today is Martin Luther King Day = kids are out of school while the rest of us still have to go to work. What a weekend. I remained pretty cool through Saturday about our things having burned down in a fire, but Sunday not so much. We don't need any of those things right now but the thought of having nothing left in DK (besides a crime brûlée torch an two kids sleighs) when we don't even know if we get to stay beyond the summer yet, made me devastated. In the most elegant of manners I managed to cry on several people in church, who came over to say hi.
Resten af søndag blev brugt på arbejde. Jeg har fornøjelsen af at være ansvarlig for at vores første operations kohorte her på universitetet (mine kolleger er selv nye på U Of M) kører som den skal. Kirurgerne starter i dag og ALT skal være klar i form af papirarbejde, smertestillende, morfintilladelser, flydende kost etc (ja, det ER "bare" mus :-)
The rest of the Sunday was spent at work. I am responsible for coordinating the first surgery cohort here at U of M (all my colleagues are new to this university as well). The surgeons start today and everything needed to be ready prior to that. Paperwork, analgesia, liquid diets, permission to use morphine etc (yes, this is still "just" mice :-)
Da jeg kom hjem søndag aften havde Kristian hentet Luca fra hans første legeaftale (der var gået supergodt i selskab med en anden lille Star Wars nørd) mens Ulrik og Teresa var kommet hjem fra "Spring Hill". De havde stået på ski, redet på heste, fræset ned ad en kæmpe bakke i store oppustelige baderinge (det kostede så lige et par ambulancer til nogen af de andre teens......), lært samtlige dance moves (ja, også Ulrik) til "crank it like a chainsaw", samt stiftet , they med "country gravy" til morgenmaden (det ligner hvid klistret havregrød - mums..... eller noget).
When I made it home Sunday evening Kristian had picked up Luca from his first play date (it went really well as he spent the afternoon in the company of another little Star Wars geek). Also Ulrik and Teresa were home from "spring hill". They have been skiing, horseback riding, gone sleighing in big inflate able tubes down a giant hill (apparently that made it necessary to have a few ambulances picking up some of the teens.....), they know all the right dance moves to "crank it like a chainsaw" and have also familiarized themselves with "country gravy" for breakfast (think thick white sticky porridge consistency - yum..... or whatever).
Så livet går videre her. Heldigvis med knap så meget kulde, da der lige frem har været tøvejr!!!!!
Life goes on. Luckily with much less cold as the weather has been much milder the past few days, causing melting of the snow!!!
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