And the ticks are freakin’ everywhere😡 It has gone absolutely nuts with ticks here. The other day, as I was working, one of them crawled across my computer screen! Luca especially is getting tick-paranoia and honestly who wouldn’t if they found 7! of them climbing on their bed as they were about to go to sleep. It turned into a tick-genocide as you unfortunately can’t just wash them down the sink. They will climb right back up to come and get you, so Luca made sure to chop them all in half first...... Otherwise we usually churn them in the kitchen sink incinerator.
Why do we have that many ticks one might ask. Well.... not to mention any names and shame certain members of the family, but one of us in particular just loves hanging out in tall grass
We have started to give him that neck-pesticide for dogs that gets absorbed through the skin and that helps somewhat. Another suggestion we have had is to put the ticks in a flask with ethanol, which will kill them instantly. And of course my mind went off roads and started to imagine shelves of tick bottles one could take down and admire. Perhaps in the company of grandkids one day and tell the how 2020 was such a good season for ticks👵🏻
Ticks aside the US has also had the pleasure of housing killer hornets now (though not in Pennsylvania yet.....) and apparently we are in for a crazy cicada year as well. Yay. The summer of 2020 will be such a blast😑
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