Another sunny beautiful November weekend. That we spent sleeping or watch go by from a cozy corner on the couch.
Kristian just came out of a crazy work frenzy. Pretty much working e.v.e.r.y. single day for a month. And by the end of that, there is not really much energy left. I have not been any close to being that busy, but I have hardly been using my office chair for several weeks besides eating my lunch as fast as I could. Ulrik and Teresa have ended the first quarter of high school being buried in homework, while Luca has been overnight camping with school. So it is really not a very energetic Frikke Family these days.
But we did get a few things done Saturday. We went here:
Our church supports "operation christmas child", a christian organization that brings out shoeboxes with Christmas presents for kids in poor countries. You chose either boy or girl as well as the age group, and then fill the box with toys, toiletries and school supplies. It is the third year that we are involved, but somehow it always ends up being crazy chaotic finding the stuff to go in the box. This year we went to Walmart. And like every other time we go to Walmart we just cannot control ourselves and ended up with pants for Ulrik, shoes for Luca, Christmas bling (including an incredibly ugly ornament for you, Christine) etc etc on top of the box filling toys. Oh, and 4 pairs of slippers to directly to a charity event collecting slippers for Hope Clinic - a local initiative providing health care to those who have no insurance (or slippers apparently ;-) And we got to further support a good cause by buying brazilian brigadieros. My all time favorite truffles. Not bad at all.
We promised the kids that we were going to decorate for Christmas early this year, as we are going to California December 21'st. But that will have to wait until next weekend. The ornaments are standing by to replace our fall deco though:
And Saturday a souvenir arrived at the door. While in Universal Studio my sister was certain that we could not live without a crazy ugly bath towel sporting Luca, Christine, and I as Shrek characters. Guess what - of course we cannot. Just look at this beauty:
2 kommentarer:
Der er bare ikke noget bedre end en afslapningsweekend hos jer!
Det er en fed ide med de der skotøjsæsker med gaver. Jeg venter i spænding på julepynten......
Ha ha. Du kan jo begynde at taenke i "maize and blue" saa er du paa rette spor, med hvilke farver, der skal pryde dit juletrae........
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