Before I lived in Michigan, spring was my favorite season. I expected it to be even more so here because of the harsh winters. But....... spring is SO crazy! When you wake up you don't know if it will be a snowstorm, clear sunny skies, thunder or perhaps even a tornado warning. I know I am not the only one feeling that way. Check out these memes: spring weather&client=safari&hl=en-us&prmd=niv&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiioIbhhLPTAhUk74MKHW39DbMQ_AUICCgC&biw=320&bih=460#hl=en-us&tbm=isch&q=meme michigan spring weather
And today it was thunder........
And trying to take the dog out when there is lightening is pretty much like trying to squeeze pee from a rock in desert. A big moody one that you happen to try to pull with a leash despite it has been buried in the ground for centuries. Well, we eventually got there by some good old fashion hotdog bribing.
And as soon as he got inside he did not allow many inches of space between me and him:
Despite the crazy weather spring is still beyond beautiful on a sunny day:
And with spring also come frappuccinos. Not that you can't them year round - actually certain members of the frikke household could live off strawberries and cream frappuccinos 24/7 if their mom allowed them. But yesterday they launched this beauty:
A unicorn frappuccino, that Teresa was so desperate to try that she willingly took the public bus home from synchro practice just for the purpose of swinging by the downtown starbucks. And then she gave the boys all the details of the mango and sour patch flavors, and the sprinkles, and how the colors mix as you drink. And now we at least know what to do for an outing on Saturday LOL
1 kommentar:
En UNICORN frappuccino? Det lyder MEGET eksotisk! Man tænker jo næsten, der kunne være lige enhjørningelort i...... (Det ser formentlig ud som regnbuekrymmel!)
Stakkels lille Bailey. Hvor var det godt, at han fandt den bedste familie!
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