Back in Denmark the winter break is almost over, here it just started. And what a start. This will be our most wintry winter break EVER. Right now the snow is pouring down and the expected wind chills this weekend will be considered dangerous. Nice - or whatever. Our plans were to attend an annual fishing event at a nearby lake buuuuuut, I think we'll just stay home. I have tried asking my local colleagues what a regular winter is like, but the winters lately have all been different and weird (extreme cold last year, very mild the year before, some years hardly any snow), so it is hard to predict when this one will be over. I am SO fed up with cold (and receiving "funny" comments on me wearing ski pants from professors and bus drivers and everyone in between - come on! Just stop doing that okay?).
På positiv siden kan det nævnes at jeg har scoret mig intet mindre end hvad der MÅ være verdens bedste undergrad. Hun er på første år på College = jeg kan få glæde af hende i årevis, hun kommer som aftalt og til tiden (det kan man ikke altid regne med), og så er hun bare super sej til at håndtere mus. OG (her kommer det allerbedste) hun kan godt komme ind og fodre lørdag. Men sidstnævnte kan først træde i kraft når hun har al træning og adgang krævet af universitetet, og det kommer desværre nok til at tage et godt stykke tid. Så jeg prøver at være supertålmodig men kan også godt mærke at min tærskel for hvornår jeg begynder at have VIRKELIGT svært ved at håndtere amerikansk bureaukrati uden at have lyst til at smadre noget undervejs er skrumpet gevaldigt det sidste halve år.
On the positive side is that I have gotten my hands on what HAS to be the worlds best undergrad. She's a freshman = she'll be around for a few years, she works hard and shows up on time (unfortunately that's no always common practise), and she is beyond exceptional at handling mice, when one considers that she has not done that before. AND she can come in on Saturdays and feed the mice. Yay! Although the last part can not take place until she has been granted all the necessary training and accesses required. I really do try to be super patient but my threshold for handling american bureaucracies without wanting to throw a tantrum and break something in the process has grown very small in the past 6 months.
Nå. Jeg er næsten hjemme fra dagens musefodring. Heldigvis kører busserne som stort set altid til tiden.
Well. I am almost home from today's mouse feeding session. Luckily the busses were on time as usual.
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