It has been beyond awesome to spend a few days in a big city with my favorite daughter, but the purpose was more than just for the fun of it. Teresa left for Copenhagen last night to spend the summer in Denmark with her friends and family. The plan was for her to fly out during the weekend, but as her Washington DC trip ended early Friday morning, we thought that was a little harsh and booked a ticket for Monday night instead. So I took some days off work and we hopped on the Greyhound bus Sunday morning. This is my first US Greyhound experience (I don't think my ride 20 years ago in Canada still counts) and I had my comfort expectations quite low - which turned out to be a good thing. The floor was slightly sticky, I will spare you for a description of the bus toilet, and Teresa and I spent the entire 5 hour ride trying to watch Slumdog Millionaire with a wifi network allowing for 1 minute of streaming buffer update for every half minute watched. Weeeeeee. We still had half of the movie left when we arrived in Chicago!

But then once you arrive in Chicago, what do you do in the company of a 13 year old?
You go to Korean beauty stores:
You find those sidewalk lines that match your foot size exactly:
Go to the hotel pool:
And giggle in the elevator about all the not so smart people staying on the 4'th floor, who obviously are not smart enough to actually push the elevator button but tries really hard to push the floor designation plate next to the actual button instead.......
Oh, and you eat. And drink giant gobblers of virgin candy cocktails:
And even visit a Dr Marten's store. I felt very old as I used to have those boots when I was a teenager. I was not brave enough for the knee high red ones (but oh how I wished I were) back then, so I only had the black ones. Now I wish I had a 5 year old boy I could buy these for. But seriously they are SO cute:
And then when you are all tired, sticky sweaty, and have eaten way too much asian food with bubble tea at Joyees, then you go back to the hotel and help your daughter pack her suitcase and take her to the airport.
Teresa was flying as an unaccompanied minor and I got a gate pass so I could take her all the way to the right gate (which they changed in the middle of everything......). I was required to wait in a designated area right in front of the plane until it was in the air but SAS kind of forgot that I was there. Luckily my sister could keep my updated from her flight app and as soon as she texted me it was off I left the now very empty terminal :-/
....... to go back to the hotel room and feel very lonely and spend an almost sleepless night in the noise of a ridiculously loud air conditioner.
A few hours ago Teresa landed safely in Copenhagen, with a pit stop at "Lagkagehuset" (very expensive but oh so delicious bakery) apparently - LOL. And I will now have to drag myself down to the bus station for another 5 hour of greyhond and then go home to all of my boys <3
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