Today is the day after the day, and I have time to write a little more detailed.
Teresa's confirmation was such a good day, but also a day where it really could be felt that we are far away from family and our friends back in Denmark - besides my brother and sister, that came all the way here for Teresa :-)
Last year none of the confirmands were wearing white dresses, so Teresa had found a really nice second hand one in neon pink'ish and blue. And also hair, nails, nails and shoes were carefully selected to be just right. But then we saw the weather forecast and some of Saturday was spent panicking in Plato's Closet to find a dress that might be slightly warmer to wear - but no luck.
Teresa's friend Lauren came and spent the night. Definitely a full house for us, but fortunately she did not mind spending the night on the couch with Bailey...... Actually we ended up being all done and ready way too early Sunday morning, even after having curled the hair! That left time for preparing melon balls:

We even made it to our church way too early (driving in snow!!!!!! by the way) where we could then panic a little bit that all the other girls were wearing white dresses. Argh.

But honestly it did not matter too much in the end. Here we are after the confirmation. I just love that the parents and family got to be with their confirmand.

After church we had some of our closest friends invited over for lunch. There was the song (a very proud Danish tradition).
And my sister had dragged a giant bag all the way over the Atlantic with embarrassing pictures and embarrassing little gifts to go with the pictures. All her nephews and nieces truly fear her! LOL
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