‘cause you just might get it!
Vores venten på Green Card er overstået. I går aftes fik jeg endeligt den sms, jeg har ventet på I 4 mdr, og det var noget nervepirrende at skulle logge på computeren med rystende hænder, da immigrationsmyndighederne bare sendte en sms om at min status var opdateret – ikke om ansøgningen var afvist eller godkendt. Men den er god nok. Approved!
Jeg har haft afspillet scenariet inde I mit hovede en
milliard gange. Og selvfølgeligt skulle der skåles I champagne, jeg ville grine
og græde på samme tid, og så ville vi gå ud at spise med vores glade børn....
Realiteten blev at jeg sad helt mutters alene derhjemme I en stor bunke rod, med en indbundet fod oppe på sofabordet. Kristian var ude at campe med de 2 store, Luca var på lejr, og jeg havde hilst lidt for hårdhændet på en bil, på vej ud fra en sidevej på vej på arbejde om morgenen (note to self: det der med lige at få øjenkontakt med chaufføren inden man cykler ud foran ham, er ikke spor overvurderet – heller ikke selv man cykler langsomt og faktisk har retten til at være I fodgængerovergangen). Og lige der midt I det hele blev jeg ikke spor ekstatisk glad, men snarere træt helt ind I knoglerne og lettet på den der måde, hvor det nærmest giver kvalme og hovedpine. Ikke helt som jeg havde forestillet mig det.
Realiteten blev at jeg sad helt mutters alene derhjemme I en stor bunke rod, med en indbundet fod oppe på sofabordet. Kristian var ude at campe med de 2 store, Luca var på lejr, og jeg havde hilst lidt for hårdhændet på en bil, på vej ud fra en sidevej på vej på arbejde om morgenen (note to self: det der med lige at få øjenkontakt med chaufføren inden man cykler ud foran ham, er ikke spor overvurderet – heller ikke selv man cykler langsomt og faktisk har retten til at være I fodgængerovergangen). Og lige der midt I det hele blev jeg ikke spor ekstatisk glad, men snarere træt helt ind I knoglerne og lettet på den der måde, hvor det nærmest giver kvalme og hovedpine. Ikke helt som jeg havde forestillet mig det.
Men vi ER lettede. Vi har det faktisk rigtig godt her og vil
gerne blive. Tanken om at stå I Kastrup uden bolig, job og møbler og med en
noget slatten bank konto, har mildest talt ikke været tiltalende. Lige nu er
det imidlertid noget overvældende at skulle tage stilling til alle de ting, vi har
skubbet foran os I en stor grim rodet “det forholder vi os til, når vi har fået
svar” bunke. Som at Kristian skal til at søge arbejde så’n rigtigt, og jeg skal
få taget det der kørekort, og hov, kom vi ikke også til at love ungerne en hund? Og
skal vi så være sådan nogle med 2 biler, og Ulrik er da for øvrigt også gammel
nok til et kørekort og Teresa skal konfirmeres herovre til næste forår og… og…
og…. aaaargh!
Så efter at have mental-klatret op af et meget stejlt bjerg,
kan vi nu kigge bagud og nedad og gyse veltilfredse over, at vi ikke skal
rutche baglæns hele vejen ned og ligge forslåede og gispende I bunden af en kløft. Men når vi kigger opad er der altså stadigt et stykke bjerg, der skal bestiges.
Vi krydser finger for at udsigten kun bliver flottere :-)
Our waiting for
the Green Card is over. Last
night I finally got the text, I have been waiting impatiently for during the last 4 months, and it was somewhat nerve-racking
having to log on to the computer with shaking hands, as the immigration authorities just sent a text
message saying that my status was updated - not whether the application was
rejected or approved. But it IS true. Approved!
I had played the scenario inside my head a billion times. And, of course, we should be toasting in champagne, I would laugh and cry at the same time, and then we would go out for dinner with our happy children.
The reality was that I was completely by myself in a big pile of mess, with a hurt foot elevated on the coffee table. Kristian was out camping with the 2 big kids, Luca was at an overnight summer camp, and in the morning when going to work I had a closed encounter with a a car as it emerged from a side road (note to self: do not underestimate taking the precaution to make eye contact with the driver before you bike out in front of him – even when you ride slowly and actually have the right to be in the pedestrian crossing). And right there in the middle of it all, I was not at all ecstatic happy but rather tired deep into the bones and relieved in that way where it almost causes nausea and headaches. Not quite as I had pictured it.
But we ARE relieved. We actually really like it here and would love to stay. The thought of arriving in Kastrup airport without housing, jobs, and furniture and with a somewhat sloppy bank account, has not exactly been appealing. Right now it is however quite overwhelming to have to suddenly consider all the things that we have pushed ahead of us in a big ugly "this we do not deal with until we have a decision" pile. Such as Kristian needing to find a job, and me getting a drivers license, and hey, we also happened to promise the kids a dog! And should we be the family with two cars, and Ulrik is old enough for a driver's license as well, and Teresa will have her confirmation here in Michigan next spring and ... and ... and .... AAAARGH!
So after mental-climbing a very steep mountain, we can now look backward and downward with a tingle of relief that we don’t have to slide backwards all the way down and lie bruised and gasping at the bottom of a canyon. But when we look up there is still a some mountain top to climb. We cross our fingers that the view only gets better.
I had played the scenario inside my head a billion times. And, of course, we should be toasting in champagne, I would laugh and cry at the same time, and then we would go out for dinner with our happy children.
The reality was that I was completely by myself in a big pile of mess, with a hurt foot elevated on the coffee table. Kristian was out camping with the 2 big kids, Luca was at an overnight summer camp, and in the morning when going to work I had a closed encounter with a a car as it emerged from a side road (note to self: do not underestimate taking the precaution to make eye contact with the driver before you bike out in front of him – even when you ride slowly and actually have the right to be in the pedestrian crossing). And right there in the middle of it all, I was not at all ecstatic happy but rather tired deep into the bones and relieved in that way where it almost causes nausea and headaches. Not quite as I had pictured it.
But we ARE relieved. We actually really like it here and would love to stay. The thought of arriving in Kastrup airport without housing, jobs, and furniture and with a somewhat sloppy bank account, has not exactly been appealing. Right now it is however quite overwhelming to have to suddenly consider all the things that we have pushed ahead of us in a big ugly "this we do not deal with until we have a decision" pile. Such as Kristian needing to find a job, and me getting a drivers license, and hey, we also happened to promise the kids a dog! And should we be the family with two cars, and Ulrik is old enough for a driver's license as well, and Teresa will have her confirmation here in Michigan next spring and ... and ... and .... AAAARGH!
So after mental-climbing a very steep mountain, we can now look backward and downward with a tingle of relief that we don’t have to slide backwards all the way down and lie bruised and gasping at the bottom of a canyon. But when we look up there is still a some mountain top to climb. We cross our fingers that the view only gets better.