Hello from rainy, soggy, windy, and grey Michigan. Where more than one Frikke-Schmidt is coughing, sneezing, and popping dayquills like candy. A week ago it was sunny, warm and nice but the past few days have been misery. Oh, and did I mention that my bike is broken, so I have to take the bus? Seriously, it's like November has taken over and the weather kind of skipped October. Hopefully it will get better. Soon!
Last weekend we hosted Luca's birthday trying our best to combine Danish style with American kids. Luca wanted a "cakeboy" and tater tots followed by a treasure hunt and a pinata. So that was exactly what we did. I have a feeling that American kids don't go on treasure hunts that often - they were really puzzled with what the heck I was doing. Especially when I made them do a "cakewalk" that involved stepping on cupcakes in the grass. A few of them simply refused! But when we got to shooting pokemons with nerf guns the excitement peaked. And from what I heard they actually thought it was an awesome birthday. Afterwards I also thought a bit about how amazing it is, that Luca's friends are part Serbian, Indian, Malaysian, Peruvian and a little bit of Scottish.
Our weekends are quiet. We are all exhausted from September and this blog post from Huffington post sums it up pretty good:
I honestly do not understand why the school year always starts like the kids are way behind even before they set their foot in the classroom. And the craziness continues until Thanksgiving where everyone (including the teachers) are completely out of breath. Teresa in particular is super tired as she leaves the house at 6:55 every morning, comes home at 6PM and does homework til 9:30 before she passes out in bed. Luckily she really enjoys her school and her Field Hockey practice.
These days we are also having a dog friend staying with us. Sigh. They are super jealous of each other and tries to compete for attention. But it is also nice to be greeted with an inferno of wagging tails and barking when we get home.
But now it is Friday. Yay. Tomorrow is (another) game Saturday - not so yay, as the traffic gets crazy and the town is super crowded. I guess it will be another quiet weekend, but at least we can enjoy the smell of "pumpkin everything"